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How many Unipower GT's are still Roadworthy ?

Updated: Jan 29, 2024

This question is in some ways a moving target, as there are only a few cars (very few unfortunately) actively undergoing restoration/rebuilds, which will result in them once again being returned to roadworthy condition.

Of those not currently known as being Roadworthy, there are those that have been lost for ever for many reasons. As well as these, there are many that have been languishing in the same ownership for decades, with little or no hope of them ever now being returned to Roadworthy condition, as the years of decay and neglect take their toll and make their resurrection ever unlikely.

Since formation in 1972, the Club has, as its primary objective, made every effort to provide help and guidance to any owner the World over, with knowledge and parts to maintain and restore their cars. Assistance has ranged from original factory record information about their car through to the provision of complete new bodies replicated from the original factory body moulds. Wherever possible, keeping the cars in as original condition as possible is also a goal, so as to maintain the quality of build for which Unipower strove, so as to be the best of the best at the time.

Its pleasing to say that this has resulted in many cars remaining in usable condition and hopefully will continue to do so for many years to come.

For those interested in statistics, the following numbers are based on ONLY those cars that are known to be currently in Roadworthy condition. Others, known to be close to completing their builds, will be added to these statistics in due course. There will also be those that have disappeared around the world, still usable perhaps, but not known to the Club's records..

Australia 1

Belgium 1

Canada 1

Switzerland 3

Spain 1

Italy 1

Japan 10

Portugal 1

United Kingdom 4

United States 4







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