As published on the Club's Facebook pages, three Unipower GT cars had come up for sale a few months ago. These were a mix of both Road GT and Competition GT chassis' , two of which had some provenance either on-track or with previous ownership. Prices of these cars were set by their respective owners, based on the value of these very rare cars and in some cases, the considerable work that had been done on them, to arrive at the condition presented.
A recent Blog on the website of a Mini derivative blogger, discusses the 'Barn finding' and subsequent sale and then sale again of a 1969 Unipower GT chassis, which had lain dismantled for many years (see the Cars for Sale on this website). The facts and sale history as presented in that blog, as have often been the case, are both incorrect and fictitious. Amongst other aspects of the blog, the car in question was never sold by its original joint owners to the restoration company referred to, but was only there whilst being assessed and no authorisation had been given to offer the car for such an unacceptable price, as was stated. The car has now been reassembled to a greater extent by another local workshop appointed by its owners and is currently advertised for sale on various platforms and is certainly expected to sell soon for its estimate.

The Blog goes on further to say that the prices being asked for these cars are 'not realistic'. Whilst the Club is not at liberty at this point to make specific comment, it can confirm that the sale of a Unipower GT is currently in process of being concluded at its asking price and rightly so, confirming that Unipower GT's, matched to the right buyer, will command market estimates.

A very recent update published on that aforementioned Blog, also states that one of the cars offered for sale (LTM 80G), is offered for sale in 'about the same condition' as previously sold, but not for the same price. The fact is that this chassis was never sold and is still for sale, albeit indeed at a reduced price to sell, is due to its 'niche' nature.

It must be remembered that that the majority of the UK Classic Car market, is currently in a very poor state and this is often reflected in recent price drops by those wishing to move their cars on. So in many cases, it is a very good time to buy into Classics. However this has all happened before and for those owners prepared to ride this out, Unipower GT's have always only ever seen an upward value trajectory. They should also never be seen in the same market segment as the humble Mini, which I hasten to say I love, having both owned and raced many successfully back in the 60's & 70's.
But as I have always said, "Always buy what you really want, and if it appreciates then great, but if not then you'll always get pleasure from just owning it".