After over 3hrs on the phone to the website hosting company in the USA and with British Telecom here in the UK, the technical/commercial issue with the email address that the Club's website is required to default to when sending notifications from various elements of the website (Forums, Events, Blogs), is now resolved.
However this has required an additional Club email address that you will now receive automated Notifications from. Sorry about this, but very important to please note the following :-
unipowergt@btinternet.com As previously notified, please use this from now on for ALL communications with the Club
unipowergtclub@gmail.com This will be used by the Club website to send out automated Notifications to all Members (such as a new Blog post, new Event notifications, etc....) and to other parties whose query would solicit an automated response. Please do not use this email address to respond back to the Club as it should be treated as a 'No-reply' email address (albeit sent from a hosted website mail system, to which I have limited configuration capability). It will however be monitored by exception.
Thank you all once again for your patience, its been a hectic Sunday in the UK :).