Guy continues his Blog on the comprehensive rebuild of his Unipower GT.
For those superstitious out there, perhaps this should be 12a from Cornwall…. but it isn’t! You might be wondering where I have been, after a fantastic reception on the Unipower stand at the NEC show in November. It was a busy time getting as much done as possible to the car beforehand. A good proportion of the interior trim was done, engine compartment similarly done including the engine installation itself. Gear-linkage connected, etc etc. New headlight assemblies, which were missing from the car at the show, have amazingly, been sourced by Gerry and will be fitted soon !. That will make all the lights done. In the words of Bill and Ted “excellent!!”.

In the run up to the show working on the car had become quite hard and soon after the Show I got fitted with a new hip, so all work on the car then stopped. You try working on your car with crutches!!!! But, 6 weeks later I’m back on it again, crutches binned!!!!
So many details yet to be done, but there really is light at the end of the tunnel.
Trim is to be finished, seats to be installed, refurbished seat belts to be fitted, dashboard, wiring and wiper motor to be final fitted. Pedal box to be refitted with reconditioned master cylinders and the braking system checked throughout and after the new pads are fitted, bled. Flexible fuel lines are to be upgraded to take modern fuels (ugh). The aluminium fuel tank has at some stage previously been powder coated (why?), so I’m going to get it stripped if possible and return it to a polished aluminium surface which will look fantastic!!. So many small but time-consuming items to be done.

You might observe from the gear-linkage picture that the exhaust manifold and silencer are missing. That’s going to happen in February. Radiator is currently being refurbished with new upgraded upper and lower cores. Upper for the heater and lower for engine cooling. This will be quite challenging to fit as I’m also fitting the original style (but brand new) fans and motors, but will have to fabricate new bracketry for them, with only some bent and buckled old brackets for clues to what’s needed. Watch this space for that!.