Cars for Sale
Unipower GT Cars for Sale
For those both interested in Selling or Buying a Unipower GT, the Club has a list of potential Sellers & Buyers both in the UK and Overseas. If you are thinking of selling your car, then there is no charge to Club Members for consigning on this website.
If you would like to be added to the list of those interested of being informed when the Club is aware of any cars for sale, then please register your details HERE...
Buyers Guide to the Unipower GT
What to look out for when buying a used Unipower GT is in the new LIMITED EDITION book on the Unipower GT's history that can be obtained through this website

Unipower GT
VIN / Chassis ID: 168.31
Universal Power Drives Ltd
1968 - RHD - 998cc
¥ 9,900,000 YEN
UK £ 15,832 aprox
Price Reduction
Click on image for details
Unipower GT
VIN / Chassis ID: 866.4
Universal Power Drives Ltd
1966 - RHD - 998cc Cooper
¥ 16,500,000 YEN
Click on image for details
Unipower GT
VIN / Chassis ID: 268.34
Universal Power Drives Ltd
1968 - LHD - 1275cc Cooper 'S'
¥ 15,400,000 YEN
Click on image for details
Unipower Competition GT
VIN / Chassis ID: 1266.9
Universal Power Drives Ltd
1966 - RHD - Competition GT 1293cc Cooper 'S'
Click on image for details
Prices stated are subject to currency fluctuation and may attract Import Duty or Local Taxes as applicable.
All correspondence between interested parties and vendors, will be as mutually agreed. The Unipower GT Owners Club & Register acts only in an Introductory capacity, any discussions relating to any sale transaction will remain exclusively between the interested parties nor does the Club warrant or guarantee any statements made.